Can organic bananas cure cancer?! Raw till 4?

bananagirl2Founder of the “Raw till 4” diet, Freelee the ‘banana girl’ boasts how a raw vegan diet offers an abundance of health benefits and suggests that a high-carb diet consisting mainly of fruits can cure cancer. Freelee herself reveals how a raw till 4 vegan lifestyle completely changed her life. Once a miserable, overweight and depressed young lady, she began this diet which has resulted in extreme weight-loss, improved health and happiness.

So what exactly does this diet involve?

Freelee eats around 30 bananas a day, and suggests this is the best way to transition into the lifestyle. She has created ‘Banana Island’ a fictitious metaphor for a banana detox. During your time on ‘Banana Island’ you are to only consume bananas and water for an extended period of time. Some spend a week on Banana Island, others months. 

Once you have holidayed on Banana Island, it is now time to begin your raw till 4 lifestyle. This involves eating only uncooked vegan foods (mainly fruits and vegetables) until 4pm. This allows you to have a cooked vegan dinner (Freelee suggests rice or potatoes and more vegetables). The macros of the diet are high carb with only 5-10% fat and protein. Usually discouraged by dieters, weight-loss experts and dieticians, Freelee believes that a high-carb diet is the key to incredible health. As the carbohydrates you are consuming are simple carbs from fruits and vegetables they are easier to digest than complex carbs seen in pasta and bread. Freelee also insists that carbohydrates 

Freelee is a spokeperson for going organic and believes that by eliminating the nasty toxins that are found in commercial produce, your health will improve out of sight. She also attributes organic fruits and vegetables to curing diseases such as cancer, depression, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, epilepsy, diabetes, heart disease and autoimmune diseases. Other conditions such as eczema and acne have also been shown to completely disappear while on this diet. Check out testimonials from the raw till 4 diet here and here.

So what do you guys think about the raw till 4 vegan lifestyle? Have you tried it out? Are you skeptical?


For more info on Freelee and her lifestyle you can check out her YouTube channel where she posts daily videos about her diet.